
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oh Humble Spirit

This morning I have had a truly opening experience..or rather, humbling of my own creation ( not a good one or proud moment). As with most things in my life I pride myself of my ability for honesty, no matter what light it sheds on me, good or bad. Per happen chance, sometimes situations unfold unintentionally, which whether you notice it at the time or not, develop, cause and effect. Actions you choose to take can have a profound effect on not only others but yourself as well. When you look back and realize what you have done, I feel it is only right you should be honest first and foremost about what really transpired, then make it right to those affected. It becomes your responsibility to be honest and hold in high regard that virtue and all it stands for, thus creating an admirable characteristic that people will and do notice.

Being able to bare it all is not only healthy, the right thing to do, but a very humbling moment for your own well being. In general I have always tried to remain true to how I feel or think about a great many things, but like most have had moments in which I am not proud of , have had to admit my wrong doing and rectify whatever it was that I had done or said wrong, which like stated above, unintentionally as it were, still caused harmful or damaging results.

I really do not know why as human beings we act in such ways that in reality, make things much more complex, complicated, and rather the opposite of what we were truly trying to accomplish to begin with. Most times, people either never notice, or do notice and choose to continue with life as usual and ignore the problem, hoping it goes away. Very counter productive if you ask me, but... we do it. Guilty of this myself at times, however when reflecting back and notice, I act to correct it.

Now I am no angel by any means, and have a great many flaws & faults, just merely stating my opinion and feelings on this matter which I have and continue to face in my self healing journey. I am no expert, nor would I ever claim to be. If somehow others can benefit from my rantings and out pouring of my own downfalls and experiences, which are full exposures of my struggles, vulnerabilities and open book into my life, and at times small victories, then by all means read to your hearts content. I hope at least something I post can help others who are going through similar things in life and I welcome anyone to comment, follow and share with me, your own experiences. My blog is mostly set up as a revealing , eye opening, and self examination journal to help with my own thoughts and or feelings. I am not only helping myself discover things about myself through postings but openly showing the world my scars, which to some would be shameful or hidden but for me I am learning expression, evolution, transformation and resolving. Liberating in many ways, and the sharing with the world.... To help others, let them know, "You are not alone!" and I will listen! I do know and life is merely waiting for you to begin!

No one is perfect, cliche` as that statement is... is true! We grow up with this idea of life which quickly turns into reality and we are stuck with basically, feeling our way through it, like finding the light switch in the dark, hoping what we are doing is the right way and things will magically turn out great....truth be told.... we are greatly unprepared and rely on our intuition and little tid bits our parents taught us, the ones we took the time to pay attention to, and the rest is educated guesses. Each choice we make sends us down a path and various paths thereof from other multitude of choices. We are our own enemy. We are guided by bias in our choices and sometimes the darker inexperienced selves and create our own personal troubles and situations which later in life once again bias our mind set toward other future choices, thus introducing the foreboding we come across.

Going back to an earlier post this past week, we would benefit greatly in reflecting, and work on modifying and correcting the issues which plague you and I. In previous generations we failed to point out the importance of "knowing" or "educating" and being able to navigate life and all it has to offer and our values have gotten lost thus with it ... our mentality and in some cases humanity. Some families I suppose know how to instill values, character, virtue, morality, and various other aspects that improve their offspring to succeed or appear to in public... privately tho... they to have their own set of personal struggles in which they have to deal with. I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't experience some level of self loathing or feelings of inadequacy.

How does this all relate to the subject of this post? For one to be open to "change" or resolving issues in which you are having.... You have to forget the pride in which holds you back to excepting you aren't perfect, you can never be something that does not exist, and remember the meek innocent beginnings in which we all started with and build or rather rebuild the character you wish to project to everyone around you and the world at large. Pay no attention to how people say you should be and or act and find time to ask yourself what you want to be and how you want to feel. The only opinion that matters truly, is yours. Being humble doesn't mean you have to let others walk over you, but rather empowers your to no longer care what others think or say and stay true to your self. Being humble offers more for your own well being spiritually and worldly. It becomes freeing and feelings of completeness. Morally it opens up a whole new world and options which you may have never seen before.

Yea.... I'm a big fan of being humble. I have no one to impress other than myself. That is another post to come ;)


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