
Saturday, May 9, 2009

New year New life!

Well I have finally come back to update! I took a huge step in my life and finally filed for divorce. I feel this is the first step of rediscovering who I am. I was unhappy in my marriage for years , but lacked the courage to actually do anything about it.... Till now. It has been hard and a long process but each day I feel more and more like my life has a purpose , that someday I will be whole again and there is hope for my future.

Not saying this is a cure by any means , just that it is one of many steps I needed to take not only for myself but for my son as well. It was becoming very unhealthy for him to always see me in some much pain. For him to have to comfort me when my days were bad and felt alone. It is not his job to make me feel better but mine to look out for him. And so now ... I am.

I feel that make life will all come about when time is right but for now , even the smallest of steps are the rights ones to make.

Also getting back into designing , and getting out in the world again. Not always so fun to be stuck at home .. you feel like the world is passing you by and you become invisible to all those around. Now that I am taking positive steps ... I am looking for a positive future!