
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life, Liberty and Disposable Government!!

| :: Note :: | -- Some of you whom are familiar with my political views, and connected conspiracy theories more specifically, "Illuminati" will notice no mention in this post. This post is strictly contained of opinion and political view. 

  • IMPORTANT NOTATION: Below is a rant based solely on my own personal thoughts & opinions, and occasional rantings! 
  • Not intended to influence or sway others in any form. 
  • Exercising my First Amendment right. Free to express my personal thoughts, feelings, views, or opinions!
  • Finally -- You take issue with my post, or view point... By all means ... exercise your right to exit my page & disregard! --  Does not include those who engage in intellectual debate or discussion, whether agree or disagree with included view points and is respectful in stating their cases.

I have been for the most part annoyed throughout this entire political race. Before I give my valued two cents (reserved for bills but found this important enough to spare... ) I am not for either candidate personally. That being said -- Browsing through various articles dealing with Romney's colossal, damaging blunders, I noticed similar comments being made by clearly the blind, deaf, & dumb of our gov finest conformist who are eager to kiss ass to feel as if their opinion matter to the vast failure in our decaying electoral process today.

  • Below is response from observations of various article commenting sections which will probably come back and include referencing links when I get time. Yes I read for a good amount of time seeing the views of both sides being represented. Some highly informative intelligently stated, down to the most ignorant and clearly uneducated and should have remained silent or at the very least looked up the subject, educate themselves, pretty much have a basic understanding of what they were commenting on. This is on both sides.

  I can not "Pro Romney Supporters" are actually using Obamas,  at various times , covering a four year span and at different addresses or functions...mispronunciation of "words" - NOTE "words" ...and use this in defense of Romneys (using his words) "misunderstood statements, comments - views - and may not have been stated clearly" being REMOTELY in the same ball park! ...I am sorry you lack the ability to grasp how truly sad and rather misdirected that is. Lets define the word comparison before going further.

:: Comparison :: --
1. the act or process of comparing
2. the state of being compared
3. comparable quality or qualities; likenesses.

Incorrectly stated words has no comparison when it comes to someones unscripted personal views, which sorry Mitt, there is no misunderstanding what WAS "clearly" stated on how you actually view issues and just where you truly stand. He didn't just do this once....but.....on two other occasions, stated his own views/opinion, offending two allied countries. Americans witnessed Romneys ability to quickly back track, and down play a very arrogant mindset to mere "misspoken" statement with for him had no value and should be over looked. Many Americans didn't buy it nor did our friendly and in my view, very forgiving allies.

Throwing a good faith gesture....When Romney had his first "publicised mishap" for those who might be a tid bit anal, "misspoke" incident on a international stage... ok shit happens, excitement around the event, nerves on alert, all the hustle and bustle, granted could have been honest mistake .... could happen to any of us. Most if not all did take it as such. However were aware and concerned.

Back to reality --  since said above incident the American people just keep seeing nothing but Romney and at times running mate, Ryan publicly embarrass not only themselves, their supporters, but their own party and in many aspects reveal true agenda and inner feelings on the issues at hand. This is not a witch hunt, or bad reporting, or even the opposition ... but themselves!

Added note: observed but not inclusive to Republician values -- few wide spread "supporters" shared either insensitive, narrow minded, and or rather egotistical, borderline to at times shallow and racist comments which in NO WAY reflects the over all view point or true feelings the Americans have concerning our allies and other friendly cultures and countries in which we share a peaceful and mutual admiration for. If you are open to educating yourself... sometimes you learn exactly why there is such a low and disguested view of Americans. Truly sad that many years has come and gone , yet we have not evolved much at all!

I would have respected and possibly given Romney a chance to turn my opinion around if he had...Well first and foremost, began his campaign with honesty instead of executing it like a business merger , showed a sense of responsibility and during times when mistakes happen, public or private, now remember this based on his being "honest" - admit being wrong when proven to be and correct it. Stop being corporate , stop asking why majority of Americans do not relate/connect and for the love of God STOP!! trying to manipulate the voters with transparent predicable and highly distasteful use of your family, which  was in your or campaign management idea, to project desired effect to improve "poll numbers"! and solve the issue of not connecting with a large voter base, which remains unchanged merely because we are NOT stupid , you (Mitt).... honestly think we would magically say "awww" and accept the totally fake , typical and completely transparent tactics in which you have been sadly "trying" to improve "margin" or public opinion and somehow connect with the American ppl? what American people? The mindless conformist who honestly believe in the extreme conservative values which they blindly follow without question...

 At best.. his entire campaign has been a cheesy overly dramatic highly predictable low budget  movie of the week. All the following steps were made by you and your own staff of managers and strategists to in affect "humanize" and make you more "likeable". If you do not exude these attributes naturally, that right there should tell you something. Phase one:  Bring out the kids!! parade them infront of the public , book them asap to every single form of publication possible make sure they are charming , throw in witty humor, approved personal family moments oh so "naturally" let out. Phase two .... The Wife!.... Spread on more charm...Let's get some press releases on her extensive and emotionally charged medical history!! Let's get that sympathy vote!!! I could go on about every political step he has made which is full of back tracking, smoke screens and very disgusting uses of his own family to further "profit" at any cost this election! This from the beginning turned me totally against Romney ... and honestly I can not for the life of me see how, not only is his family tolerating his exploitation of them to further "his" political career but are going along with it as if there is nothing wrong with that decision.

  ---HINT MITT --- Greatly damaged your credibility with those, like me, who already in general did not like you. Platform for family values.... Obviously you are seriously lacking and devoid of what the traditional and widespread value is!

Seriously... Fire your strategist!!! ....Why aren't you connecting?? ---- Let's evaluate..... Aside that stated above, only 1% of the American population is wealthy! You are apart of that connect easily with them simply because you have common views, experiences, lifestyles, values, and over all mind sets. The other 99%  happen to live in reality where there are NO luxury yachts, fancy pompous self serving dinner parties, private vacation get aways, at times include business deals in the back room behind closed doors. Various wasteful luxuries that the wealthy toss around in conversation with no real concept as to how truly disconnected they have become. Treating society at large as though they are a disease that needs to be eradicated. The other 99% splitting into many levels of social status based on household incomes which has never had a chance to have any real effect due to constant inflation that is unfairly higher than any possible "current" income or rate could or can compete with. While you (the 1%) can spontaneously go out for a lavish dinner, costing equally if not more than what an average person (99%) would take home in a week....After taxes, the average person (99%) try to have a humble dinner at home with family exhaustively struggle to relax while the entire weight of their never ending stress and worry/emotion of the mounting debate, car repairs, loans, mortgage, kids needing new clothes various DAILY problems. Very different and separate worlds! While basic fundamental structures and woes in theory the same...they are completely different! Poor man struggles with paying light bill he gets shut off, rich man struggles with light bill in one of his many "homes" and has the funds regardless to not have to worry about being shut off. Etc...Will elaborate on this in more detail, perhaps in it's on blog. However....a quote that comes to me and excuse me for my paraphrasing...."The rich profit from the backs of of their workers!" That 99% provides that 1% their wealth, their luxurious spoiled lifestyles, their illusion of power.

I was going to post a few quotes Romney made in various speeches which not only got my attention but aided in my already forming views of his character...Giving a small but to the point summery of my views of each, which I might bring up in another post later on..... Going to skip ahead to a more current and recent exposure and give direct response to its subject matter which was touched on earlier in post.....

Mitt, Mitt, Mitt...........I will address this directly to you!! Please if you would be so kind... Clarify if you this recently released hidden tape footage , pertaining to this comment. NO don't....track record shows how fake you can be...

I happen to be one of the "47%" that you blatantly disregard and like many who are voicing their opinion/s is mine...Your ignorance is not just in ran off and built a complete theme park! The missing link --- you are NOT "connecting" with targeted audiences because you being one of the "top 1%"  offensive and completely moronic un knowledgeable , statement above, do not understand, are misinformed, lack respect , zero experience in the area of which you made statement on... OMG I can go on and on!

::Quote by Romney::
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Let's analyze based purely on my own view point and status....
{Will expand more on the personal details at later date!}

I AM PART OF THAT 47% -- Not only poll numbers but actual human beings with apparently more class than you exhibit -- || The following excluding context dealing with tax issue, which might add is due to the fact they are POOR and or have lost their jobs!! ||
  • "There are 47% who are with him" - also stating the same 47% vote would be with Obama?? HAHA ooook ..... Nope wrong! Debating on where my vote will can pretty much bet it will be a write in!
  • "Dependent on government" -- depends on context ...however the government it's self is trying to implement policy in which is forcing fractions to be more controlled by gov.
  • "Believe they are victims" -- WRONG! I have never met anyone who receives assistance even remotely express or act like they are a victim, but most if not all feel ashamed, and a failure. This is nothing new! That sentiment has been expressed throughout the generations from those who do have to rely on the welfare system for assistance! Personally I get sick of people and their judgmental arrogant, and lack of consideration toward those who are in the system....regardless..why n the hell should I "feel" or "express" being a victim ? That doesn't even make any logical since.
  • "Who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them." -- I take responsibility for myself ! However I do not see supplying assistance to those in need is or should be considered bad. As a nation, assistance we supply over seas , aiding other countries and their people in need is exactly the same humanitarian, and compassionate act we utilize within our own borders. The "welfare" system was set up with the purpose of "helping it's own" and assisting them to be able to get back up on their feet!! Taking notice that not so long ago, that same system offered programs which aided and did make a difference for those in need to obtain opportunities of which they lacked and built a productive member of society resulting in them getting off welfare for good! Those programs have long since been removed due to governmental view of them being less important when dealing with the other various issues which also required funds from the "budget"!! YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW! Take away what worked and of course you will have a overly crowded system, they have no where else to go thanks to you of whom voted to cut such programs that showed resolve! This is and has never been the publics fault. (More to add later)
  • "Entitled to health care" -- seriously , come on now! Are we a daycare full of selfish infants ? Even WITHOUT poverty leveling.... those who get any type of insurance, have never or would ever claim health care to be an entitlement? True feelings are, the American people are getting frustrated with the system that is (for privatized ) seriously under and inadequately regulated and has built in policies , interconnected catch22's and loopholes, all primarily set in place to extort funds from policy holders - that takes an act of God to even get approved, provided you have no preexisting conditions! Oh be careful , that mole you have had since birth might just get you denied!( assisted Prog - Medicaid, Medicare) Medicaid - Like this is a freakin winner...This varies state to state but in my state, they have dropped the poverty level so ridiculously low that due to the estimation system in which they use to even see if you qualify, is seriously flawed! The only possible way to be eligible as an adult, is by having children in the home whom is also covered.... This includes no employment. Otherwise , women get very "basic" womens health coverage, which only allows a woman to have tests done, notify you of what shows up..and if there is a problem ......Oh well , that is extent of coverage... apply for other insurance source to -- SURVIVE! >.>

There were a great many things said which were bad enough in their own right, however, finally showed the American people your true character, and over all mentality...You truly are a business man and suggest you stay that way!

I could just as easily go off on Obama as well , however --- I truly have come to despise Romney not only for his pathetic political choices, but staying true to his corporate non ethical value system.

He honestly has NO CLUE about the people in which he is dying to lead by becoming "President"!

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